WANTED: More Sports

Found on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women’s_lacrosse

Alex P.

 Gorzycki has many sports that students can try out for, such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, and soccer; but some students want a larger variety. Some students would like to see lacrosse, softball and swimming teams organized at the school.

Sixth grader Laine S. has played softball since she was six, and would like there to be a team at Gorzycki.

“I think it could be easy, but with limited room here, we may not be able to fit a field,” said Laine.

Seventh grader Diego M. is in his second year of lacrosse and says it’s one of the biggest growing sports in the U.S.A.

“There are a lot of people at GMS who would play [lacrosse] and a lot of incoming sixth graders would play next year,” Diego says.

Seventh grader Ashlyn S. has been a swimmer for five years and says it’s a difficult sport.

“If they have basketball they should also have swimming,” Ashlyn said.

Even if Gorzycki doesn’t ever adopt some of the sports students are asking for, they can still be played outside of school.