6th Grade Starts
Photo by Isabella R.
November 14, 2017
Going from elementary school to middle school is a big change in ways such as passing periods, classes, teachers, and classmates. Many students have to accommodate to the new routine of middle school. Sixth graders share their various thoughts on these big changes. Sixth grader Kyle Baucum explains his experience during the first few weeks of school.
“Middle school was completely different and a huge change from Clayton,” Baucum said. “It’s easier than I expected, the workload isn’t too bad, and the teachers are nicer than I thought they would be.”
Coming into middle school can provoke different feelings and thoughts in people because it is nothing like they are used to. When you come into middle school, there are many different people from a variety of elementary schools from around the area. Sixth grader Kathryn Staar describes what her first thought was walking into Gorzycki.
“When I got in, I felt really nervous and I didn’t really know what to expect,” Staar said.“There were lots of people I didn’t recognize so I was overwhelmed but I eventually found my friends.”
Some major transitions for sixth graders is having to change within eight classes and there are only five minutes to get to each of the classes. Workload is a also a big change because it gets more consuming and challenging. Baucum expresses his opinion on this change.
“Well, I really like that you are not in one seat all day and you have different people in each class so it makes it easier to meet new people,” Baucum said. “In the hallways, everyone is usually talking and doing their normal routine. The five minutes do feel very long and could be shorter.”
The first week of middle school is always the hardest, so some students receive helpful tips from older siblings, parents, friends, and in general anyone who has gone through the same experience.
“My teachers told me that writing in my planner is an important part of staying organized,” Baucum said. “So, I write in my agenda to be on top of myself and get things done like homework. I also learned to make sure to be on the teacher’s good side.”
Coming into a new and different school can be stressful and a challenging experience even with all the difficulties there are still things sixth graders hope to accomplish. Sixth grader Kevin Nguyen shares what he hopes to achieve by the end of sixth grade.
“By the end of sixth grade, I would like to at least read 40 books, get way better at math and get good grades throughout the whole year.” Nguyen said.