Cell Phone Ban Becomes Big Issue


Brady Bram and Jake Johnson


Here, at Gorzycki Middle School, phones have been banned at lunch for two years. Eighth graders Lawrence Wilkerson, Travis Starkey, Max Barnes, and Jason Oh have complied with the cell phone rules for the last two years. Lawrence felt administration should consider possible change in the policy.


“We should have phones at lunch because it is a great time to socialize and play games,” Wilkerson said. “It will have a good effect on us because we can socialize and play games on our phones with our friends. Also you can keep up the grind on Fortnite.”


Student phone has been a growing issue in middle school across the country the past few years.  Travis Starkey shared his opinion on why he thinks that the phones are banned at lunch.


“I think it was banned because people were on social media and were taking pictures of people,” Starkey said ,“Also it was getting too loud in the cafeteria.”


Starkey has not been on his phone for two years at lunch and feels like we should get a second chance and what we can do to get phones back at lunch.


“We can make a petition and get everyone to sign it,” Starkey said, “ then we will go to Dr.Mitchell and tell her that we should get it back and tell her some reasons why we should have it back.”


Students at Gorzycki have enjoyed going outside during lunch but many feel they would rather stay inside and use their phones. Barnes compared the two sides of going outside or staying inside on his phone and he would rather stay inside and play on his phones with his friends.


“Letting us play on our phones would make kids stay inside but they would also have a good time playing games with their friends,” Barnes said, “Also you could make friends while playing games with people.”


Mr.Campbell, Assistant Principal at Gorzycki, has been involved in this issue for two years. He and other administrators have noticed students being distracted and have been doing inappropriate things on their phones.


“Kids need to communicate and talk to their friends and not play on their phones,” Campbell said, “Kids need to focus on eating and not get distracted. Also kids were taking photos of each other but their were kids in the background that didn’t want their picture taken and the photo was posted on social media.”