Tigers Try TopGolf

Nicole M and Nick C


TopGolf has the total of 53 restaurants in United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom; 49 of them are located at the United states. At TopGolf, you can play golf while you eat. Golf balls score themselves, and give players a feedback on each shot’s accuracy and distance. The farther the shot goes and the closer to the pin, more points the player receives. TopGolf also has offers golf lessons, leagues, tournaments, and concerts.


The prices at TopGolf can vary from $25 to $45 per bay. Each bay holds six players, but the prices are the same independently of how many people are playing. You can also choose from two different memberships that cost from $250 to $425 per month. Sixth grader JC Wells gave his opinion on prices at TopGolf.


“I feel that the prices are fair, but we have a membership so we didn’t have to pay,” Wells said


Today, TopGolf  has been serving millions of guests annually and has the world’s largest digital golf audience. In 2013, about 156 million balls were hit at Topgolf. That number of golf balls is enough to fill 312 school busses. More than 13 million customers visited TopGolf in 2017, a daily average of 35,000 people a day. Sixth grader Nate Donus explained what he thinks that makes TopGolf unique, so it  attracts so many people to their restaurants.


“The fact that the food comes really fast, and you can play sports and eat. Also, the food isn’t a huge meal that you have to wash your hands every time. You can eat, and go play again,” Donus said.


Nate Donus said he would give a 4.2 stars review to TopGolf. Although he thinks that eating at the same time you play golf is a “really good idea”, Donus thinks TopGolf still needs some improvement.


“They are unorganized and the wait can be a while, and that’s kind of annoying sometimes,” Donus said.


TopGolf offers options of food such as burgers, pizza, tacos, sandwiches, salads and appetizers to eat while playing. Student John Wells explained what he thinks of the food at TopGolf and what her order there


“I like the variety that they have. They have new foods that I haven’t tried before. Also, their doughnuts and cream with chocolate sauce is really good,” Wells said.