Culinary Cupcake Wars

Cupcake Wars is an activity in Culinary based off the Food Network poplar show that shows students’ skills and creativity with baking. Seventh grader, Sydney Parsons, explained why she enjoyed it.

“I enjoyed it because I got to express my creativity,” Parsons said.

Every team had to have a theme for their cupcakes. Seventh grader, Reese Nance, shared her group’s theme.

“We did a Lemonade Stand with pink lemonade and regular lemonade,” Nance said. “It was surprisingly easy, and it looked really good in the end.”

There are many different way to think of cupcakes themes. For example, looking on Pinterest to just flat out thinking. Seventh grader, Kaitlin Kaiser, whose theme was ‘High in the Sky’, explained how she decided on her theme.

“I just thought about it and proposed the idea to my group,” Kaiser said. “We all liked it.”

Not every team works well together. Seventh grader, Zach Kohlmeyer, shared if his team worked well together.  

“Our team didn’t work well together,” Kohlmeyer said. “We disagreed with each other a lot.”

There are three winning teams from each period. Sydney Parsons, who placed first, shares if the competition was challenging.

“It wasn’t very challenging,” Parsons said. “Because we all worked together.”

The cupcake war had a lot of room for creativity. Nance described if she was challenged by the creativity aspect.

“It wasn’t very challenging,” Nance said. “We didn’t have a guideline or rubric.”

Cupcake Wars lasted for approximately 3 days. Kaiser shared if the time was enough.

“Yes because we got everything done on time,” Kaiser said.

Many people enjoy the Cupcake Wars in Culinary for different reasons. Nance shared why she enjoyed it and if she would do it again.

“Yes because we got to eat the cupcakes after the competition,” Nance said. “I would do this again because we got to do whatever we wanted for our theme, and we had so much fun.”

The Cupcake Wars is a Gorzycki tradition that will last for years to come. Parsons shared her input on the event.

“I think it was interesting and fun,” Parsons said. “Because we got to take charge and do what we wanted.”

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