How to Speak Loudly/Project
Photo by Maddy R.
May 14, 2015
There’s no way you’re going to get through middle school without doing a project, so you should probably learn what to do when you are faced with a project.
1. Don’t wait until the night before. Seriously. Pace yourself, do a little bit each night and you should finish just in time.
2. If you do wait until the night before, crank up ukulele music from Spotify and nibble dark chocolate as you go until you finally finish. Don’t go to bed until you’re done, or you’ll regret it in the morning.
3. Wether you’re working on it 3 weeks early or a mere 9 hours before it’s due, make sure you take your time. You won’t get a good grade if your work is sloppy and unappealing.
4. Always read/look over your work before you finish. Maybe even have a sibling or parent look over it for you, they’re likely to catch mistakes that you didn’t see.
5. If you have to recite a speech, practice in front of a mirror. Also, if you get nervous when making eye contact with people during your presentation, try looking at their foreheads instead of their actual eyes. It looks like you’re making eye contact, but it saves you the trouble of having to directly stare into people’s eyes.
6. Don’t stress yourself out about it. Stressing will only make matters worse, so stay calm and chill.
7. If you have a pet, they make radical project companions so take your turtle out or whatever and have them help you write that annoying essay.
8. Eliminate all distractions. Isolate yourself. The less there is to distract you from working, the better. This works for studying/homework as well.
I hope you get an A, kid.