App of the week: Plague Inc.

December 3, 2015
Rating:four stars
Rated:ages 12 and up
The point of this game is that you have to infect the whole world with your disease.Then you pick a mode like bacteria mode,virus mode and more. Once you beat bacteria on a normal mode then you will unlock the next disease.The other cool part is that you get to name your disease.After you infect the world you have to kill everyone. But the hard part is that they try to cure your disease.If the cure reaches 100% you lose. There are 7 Plagues to choose from. Also there are 4 modes to choose from and they are casual,normal,brutal and mega brutal. This app was part of the top 10 on December 3, 2015. Also on the computer there is a vs mode where you can play against everyone and try to keep your plague alive. If your opponents plague cures then you will win the game. If you get cured your opponent has won. The main point of multiplayer is to keep your plague alive and infect the whole world before your opponent.Co-op will be coming soon on the computer to where you work together with the other person.