App of the week: Youtube

March 1, 2016
Ratings: 3 and a half stars
Ages: 17 and up*
*In my opinion it should be everyone 13 and up.
Are you sick of using safari when you go to youtube? Would you rather just have youtube as an app now? A free youtube app is available for those who want a better streaming experience. Aside from the nicer interface, this app allows you to be notified when a channel you’re subscribed to uploads a new video. If you wish to search for another video while continuing to listen to the current one you’re on, simply hold your phone vertically, and swipe the top, left hand corner of the video down to the bottom right corner of the screen. The video will appear in a small box at the bottom of your screen, and now you can search for more!
With thousands of uploaders, and new videos being posted all the time, this app is definitely not one to be forgotten!