Leaping into 2017 Dance Teams
Each spring, seventh and eighth graders get the opportunity to audition to be a part of one of the Gorzycki dance teams. The audition clinic ran for three days of the week, with the audition on Thursday. About 130 girls attended the clinic, but not everyone made it into a team.
Sixth grader Ali Wayman has been dancing for five years, and she explains what she does to get ready for tryouts, and why she decided to tryout for a dance team this year.
Wayman says, “At home I practice my techniques [leaps, kicks, pirouettes, and flexibility] and my performance skills which is smiling at the judges.” “I decided to tryout for a team because I have always wanted to be on a school dance team and elementary didn’t offer that,” Wayman says.
Seventh grader Tabeen Saiyed explains to us what was the hardest thing for her at the dance clinic and what was the easiest thing was for her at the dance clinic.
Saiyed said, “The hardest thing for me at the dance clinic was that we had to learn a whole dance in a few hours and it was also really crowded and people kept running into each other. The easiest thing was pirouettes because I already had known how to do those” Saiyed says.
Sixth grader Ashley Boy describes to us what she would’ve changed about the dance routine if she could. She also explains why she decided to try out for a dance team.
Boy says, ” I am currently a cheerleader and I thought it would be cool to tryout, and it’s related to cheer.” “If I could change something about the dance team tryout routine I would make it slower and not repeat too much of the steps,” Boy says.
Wayman shares a dance story, and why she likes dancing.
“I was at Austin Scoops with my friend and it was empty so I decided to start dancing and I did a kick, and I slipped but instead of falling on the floor, I fell on a chair,” Wayman says. ” I like to dance because I like learning new things that I am capable of,” Wayman says.