A New Beginning

January 5, 2018
The Starbucks off of Escarpment has been closed for two weeks due to improvements that need to be made. It was just reopened on Tuesday, October 17.
“I went to starbucks after it reopened. Isabela Cao-Spurlock said, here is her opinion on the changes. “I think there is a better setup there is more space, it is a lot more modern.There wasn’t enough space it was to crowded all the time.”
Many People go to starbucks with their friends or parents. Clarissa Castro goes with her friends and sometimes her parents. She explains how the Starbucks was before all the changes and how it is after the changes.
“I usually go after school and order a Mocha. It is usually pretty crowded,” Castro said. “But with the new changes it is less crowded and more people can fit in the tables and couches. Also the place looks more modern and I see more people coming.”
A lot of starbucks get improvements to fit more people, remodel the place or to fire employees and higher nicer ones or better ones. 6th grader Margaret Budd explains how she likes the improvements.
“I go to Starbucks after school on mondays and I order a small refresher. It’s really crowded but after the improvements it less crowded, Budd said. Also the place looks more modern and it has more of an atmosphere.”
People go to starbucks to talk to friends or to study or work with people. Student Isabella Cao-Spurlock talks about when she goes to starbucks and what she orders.
“I usually go on the weekends, Isabela Cao-Spurlock said i usually get a get a cotton candy frappuccino and sit upstairs near the couches. I then talk to my friends.”
People make mistakes including starbucks employees. But, will these improvements cut down on these mistakes? Here are Gorzycki students bad experiences and thoughts on this topic.
“I ordered a vanilla frappuccino and I got a chocolate one, and it tasted terrible,” Clarissa Castro says “I wish I didn’t do that.” “My worst experience was ordering a unicorn frappuccino.Hopefully the more space will help them never think of something like this again,”says Isabella Cao Spurlock.
Although there are a lot of opinions about the starbucks, here are the final thoughts on the improvements.
“I liked the way it was before” says Margaret Budd . “but I do like how there’s more space.”
“I like what they did to the upstairs ,says Cao-Spurlock. it is very cozy and the words are a lot more nice.”