New Tutoring Changes Established in Excel

New Tutoring Changes Established in Excel

Sydney H. and Lilly Y.


Teachers and administrators decided to change tutoring times during students’ excel periods to maximize time for homework and extra help. Students can go to tutoring on Wednesdays and Thursdays, or if they don’t need help, they can work on schoolwork for the whole period. Assistant Principal, Mr. Campbell, explains what he hopes to accomplish by implementing these changes.

“We chose to make this change to help students get more one on one time with teachers, to give more time for kids to study, do work at school, and to minimize the amount of work at home,” Campbell said.

This change started on Wednesday, January 13 during excel. Dr. Mitchell announced this change to the whole school in person, or in a video, explaining the new tutoring process. Eighth grader Halle K. shares her opinion about the tutoring changes.

“I like the new tutoring because I’m super busy after school, and it gives me the opportunity to get extra help,” Halle said. “[I think they changed the tutoring because] they were probably getting complaints about homework, and complaints on how tutoring didn’t fit into student’s schedules.”

Most student’s reactions were positive, and they preferred this new tutoring over the old one. Though students didn’t have a very big reaction to this change, some teachers have been awaiting this change for a while.

“I’ve been thinking about using the school day for [tutoring] for a long time because nobody uses the before and after school tutoring times,” science teacher Brian Mahoney said. “I think students want to go to tutoring, but they lack time, so this is more efficient.”

Wednesdays are dedicated to Spanish, science, and ELA, while Thursdays are math and history. In order to be allowed to go to tutoring, you have to get your agenda stamped by that teacher to be able to attend tutoring. 

“I like [the change] because there wasn’t much time to do homework with the old excel,” seventh grader David F. said. “I think it will be better because you have more time to do tutoring, and you have two days to go in excel.”

If you don’t need tutoring and your excel teacher needs to tutor students, then you have to go to the cafeteria for silent study hall. Students must skip seats and have work to do at all times. 

“I was surprised that everyone would go to the cafeteria at the same time,” Halle said. “I think it is a good change because it helps prevent me from having homework, I can do it during the day.”

Teachers believe this change was beneficial to everyone in the school.

“It was a lot harder to stay after school because they are involved in extracurriculars,” Mahoney said. “It is easier [for them] to come during excel and take advantage of [tutoring.]”