App of the week: Either


Brady S., Staff Writer

Rating:2 and half stars.

Ages: 12+

Either is known as a “would you rather” type game. This app is going to ask you some questions and you will have to pick one. For example, if it asks “would you rather be a cat, or be a dog?” and you pick cat, it would show you the percentage of people who answered cat for that question. Also, you can submit your own would you rather questions, and chat about the answer if you have an account. Either is free from the app store, but the ad-free version cost two dollars. As of February,9th 2016, Either was ranked #38 on the app store. If you like creating interesting or funny questions for people to answer, or just answering questions in your free time, this is the game for you! Have fun playing, and check back next week for a new app!