Technical Theatre Comes To Gorzycki

Anna I., Zoe H., and Lila V.

Technical theatre is a class run by Leslie Ziegler. This class teaches students how to operate things like lights, sound, make-up, and other behind the scenes jobs that the tech crew is responsible for in a show. Students tell us about some activities they do in the class.

The class worked on the Shakespeare Murder Mystery dinner theatre a few months ago. 7th grade tech theatre student Emily U. thought that not everything went as planned.

“In the Shakespeare dinner theatre, a board kept on falling down. We had to improvise and add a string to the back of the board to pull the board back up,” Emily U. said.

In tech theatre, lots of things can go wrong and sometimes there is not always a way out of it. 8th grade tech theatre student Georgia B. tells us about her worst experience in the class.

“One time we were supposed to do lights for the dance show, but we couldn’t because we couldn’t turn the gym lights off,” Georgia B. said.

Not everyone has had to go through bad experiences in this class. 8th grade tech theatre student Calion P., who enjoys building props for the plays tell us about his experiences in the class.

“I don’t think I’ve had a worst experience because its a great class,” Calion P. said, “though my best experience in tech theatre was working on the dinner theater because I had never done anything like that before.”

There are many different jobs tech theatre students are in charge of. Some of which include building props for the stage. 7th grade tech student Chris L. tells us about what he did to help out with the musical,

“I design periaktoi (a device used for displaying and rapidly changing theatre scenes) for the high school musical play we’re doing. It’s kind of fun to see how it is to actually design something for a movie.” Chris L. said.

For more information about the tech theatre class go to room 512 and talk to Ms.Ziegler.