Yes, give the money to more deserving people

Audrey S., Editor

Professional athletes are paid way too much money. All they do is exercise their bodies and compete against each other and then get paid for it. Athletes shouldn’t get paid $5.15 million just for our entertainment, when there are other people who should get paid more than what they do now.
The people that work and fight for our country don’t even get paid half the amount that athletes do. The annual salary for people in the military is $29,380. Those people, the military, should get paid more than professional athletes.
Athletes are only here for our entertainment, and the military is here for our protection. There is a big difference between the two.
There are other jobs like police officers, doctors, and firefighters that don’t get paid as much as professional athletes. The average pay for a police officers $53,194. The average for a professional football player is $5.15 million. Police officers protect society from criminals, and harm. They take away bad people in the world so that when we go out there it will be safer than it is now. Athletes are in the gym working out and getting ready for the next game so that when they win they can get paid for it.
Athletes make more than jobs that are for helping children, and getting them ready for later on in life. For example, teachers help kids get ready for the future and what’s to come. Their annual salary is $54,890. They get that much money for helping kids get ready to go out on their own.
Athletes don’t help us with any of that, they just make life seem like everything will go perfectly, just like you want it to, but that’s not true.
Other people in the world should get paid more than what they do now. It’s not fair that athletes get paid more than people that help us get ready for the future, and protect us from harm.


The people that work and fight for our country don’t even get paid half the amount that athletes do.