Amazing Amazon


Lauren W. and Wes W.

Amazon is a popular online store that carries a wide variety of products for buyers to purchase from the comforts of there home. Amazon continues to grow with more items available on there website. Amazon has been open since 1994. An average 26.5 million orders are placed on Amazon each day. Mia Schwartz  say how often she uses Amazon.

“Not that often really,” Schwartz said. “When I want to buy something that I can’t find at the store I’ll look there.”

Amazon has many likable qualities and features special to the company.  Belle Willi says what she likes most about Amazon.

“Everything is reasonably priced,” Willi said. “Plus it’s fast like their shipping and easy to shop on.”

There are over 54 million amazon prime members, Rachel Maddox tell us why they continue to use Amazon.

“I use Amazon because,” Maddox said. “It’s affordable and easy compared to other websites and stores.”

Amazon Key is a new service Amazon is offering. It allows workers to put your packages inside your house. The workers have you door key on there phone to open your house. The goal is to help stop package theft. Annette Ho shares her opinion on this feature.  

“It is a clever way to keep packages safe,” Ho said. “But if there is a bad person working for Amazon and they have a key to your house, well, that’s less safe.”  

There are over 480 million items to buy on Amazon. Students tell us the favorite thing they’ve bought from Amazon.

“I really like squishies,” Schwartz said. “So I bought like a twenty pack of squishies and that was super exciting when I got it.”

Amazon has many unique features, students tell us what they think is different about Amazon.

“[Amazon] Has really expanded,” Maddox said. “It has more products now from books to clothes and more.”

Most people would rather stay at home and shop rather than leaving their house, students tell us if they think Amazon is easier than shopping in traditional stores.

“Because again with the big variety,” Schwartz said. “You don’t have to search and search and search, you don’t have to go to five different stores to find one Item you’re looking for because it’s probably on Amazon.”