No “Wonder” The Movie Is So Popular


Morgan W. and Mia L.

Based on the book by Raquel Jaramillo the movie “Wonder” tells a sad yet happy story of August Pullman. August is a boy with facial differences who is going to a public school for the first time. Eighth grader Mia Brelsford tells us how she felt about the movie.

“I liked the movie,” Brelsford said. “It had the laughing moments, sad moments. It had it all.”

The movie was trying to teach people things that could stick with them not just through middle school, but for the rest of their life.  Sixth grader Brooklyn Clegg shares what she thinks the movie is trying to convey.

“I think the movie is trying to tell the viewers that it doesn’t matter what you look like,” Clegg said. “Looks don’t go with your personality.”

According to about 3.2 million kids are bullied each year simply because of how they look. Many students feel like they learned a lot from the movie “Wonder” about how people are bullied . Sixth grader Ava Vasquez shares what she learned.

“People can learn that nobody should be bullied by their looks,” Vasquez said. “This movie tells people to stand up to others.”

Students feel like the movie conveys a really strong message that applies to everyone. Victoria Votteler explains what she thinks the message is.

“The message is it doesn’t matter what you look on the outside,” Votteler said.  “Just the inside matters.”

There are other people our age who struggled/struggle because of bullying like Auggie, but Auggie stayed strong no matter what. Brelsford gives advice to people who can relate.

“In middle school everyone feels different and awkward,” Brelsford said. “So you can learn from Auggie and apply it to real life.”

The movie “Wonder” has made more students aware of bullies in middle school, and changes how they want to act. Charlie Palafox shares how this movie makes him want to act.

“I don’t want to be mean to people,” Palafox said. “Even if they are different.”

On almost every website the movie “Wonder” was rated very well. Rotten Tomatoes rated it  85%. David Dow shares why he agrees with the critics.

“It was a very good movie that deserves awards,” said Dow. “And it teaches students that it is ok to be different.”